Entries by nhill

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Align Marketing and Sales to End 2015 Strong

It’s the middle of Q4 and the end of the year is fast-approaching. For many, it is a time to slow down from work and spend time with family. For sales people, it’s can be a frantic time, as many B2B companies must close sales opportunities to achieve revenue goals. So, what can the marketing […]

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6 Marketing Automation Myths

Marketing Automation has been around since the 1990s. Back then, the focus was on automating email marketing— managing the development and delivery of emails to target lists at scheduled times. Over the decades, software developers expanded the capabilities of Marketing Automation to meet the requirements of a variety of marketing functions and users.

Today, Marketing Automation refers to a broad range software technology for marketing and it is an important element of closed loop marketing. Its evolution has raised many questions about what it is, what it does, and whom it benefits.

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Please Don't "Set it and Forget it!"

Trigger-based emails, rules-based emails, real-time emails, or auto-responder emails are great tools for today’s marketers. Regardless of what you call it, these are the emails we receive as customers after doing something or buying something. We get order confirmations, email reminders, survey invitations, e-newsletter subscriptions and product cross-sell promotions. As an online customers , my […]


Too Social?

I gave up Facebook for Lent. The funny thing is, I’m Buddhist. Well, raised Buddhist. Anyways, as I was trying to get my kids to eat their dinner, I was on Facebook reading about what my friends were feeding their kids. It suddenly occurred to me that I had been spending too much time there […]

Revenue Architect's Presentation to TiE Boston – Aug 10, 2010: Designing the New Revenue Engine in the Age of Digital Marketing

Revenue Architects had the pleasure of presenting a workshop entitled “Designing the New Revenue Engine in the Age of Digital Marketing” to members of TiE Boston. Unfortunately, A/V malfunction, room reshuffling, and a little “musical chairs” delayed the presentation. We had to cut the workshop portion examining the revenue engine in greater detail (my personal […]